Kontan are reporting on a speech given by Indonesia’s Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, at the Opening of the Financial Profession Expo 2022, Monday, where she said that the digital economy is one of the drivers of Indonesia’s economic growth, which is currently growing very rapidly.
According to reports, Sri Mulyani noted that the value of Indonesia’s digital economy in 2021 is the highest value in Southeast Asia, which is USD 70-billion and is estimated to reach USD 146-billion by 2025. In addition, 40-percent of Southeast Asia’s digital economy market share is in Indonesia.
“Development of the digital economy by involving the potential of Indonesia’s productive age population is an opportunity and key to accelerating recovery and increasing the resilience of the national economy in a sustainable manner,” Sri Mulyani said.
In addition to supporting the advancement of the digital economy, Sri Mulyani also reminded the importance of building awareness about sustainable economic development. Sustainable economic development has been and is being pursued by countries in various parts of the world, including Indonesia.
The 17-Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) initiated by the United Nations in 2015 as a manifestation of its commitment to sustainability are briefly divided into three pillars. All three are sought to be integrated in every policy taken by the state, namely the social pillar, the environmental pillar, and the economic pillar.
Meanwhile, Sri Mulyani also said, the development of the digital economy and a sustainable economy is something that must be welcomed with open arms and is expected to improve the economy as a whole.
The Ministry of Finance has a target so that Indonesia can become a high income country in 2045. One of the efforts to achieve this, the government together with the Indonesian House of Representatives drafted a Bill on the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector (RUU P2SK).
The development and strengthening of the financial sector through the P2SK Bill is expected to produce a financial sector that is deep, innovative and efficient, inclusive and trustworthy, as well as stronger and more stable.
“As a professional in the field of finance that has changed a lot, you need to continue to equip yourself with knowledge and knowledge that is constantly changing, especially due to changes in the financial sector itself, digital technology, as well as new challenges such as climate change ,” said Sri Mulyani.
Not only that, he also reminded that in the future the financial profession will play an increasingly important and strategic role in the Indonesian economy. In the digital era, the financial sector will also experience changes, including activities that are increasingly borderless.
The need for credible financial information and guaranteed accuracy is very important for investors and stakeholders . Therefore, the role of the financial profession becomes important as a pillar of credibility and accuracy in making decisions both in the company or the financial sector.
Source: Kontan. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay