We’d like to promote a book for the general public that helps those with an interest in understanding governance in Indonesia and the critical issue of “Corruption.”
The book is a great reference to understanding in depth the issue of corruption in the world’s largest archipelago from different perspectives, ranging from political, economic, social/ culture and religious as well as “Adat” (the traditional culture of nature.)
The book was first published in 2009, and sold out. It’s considered one of the best text books on corruption in Indonesia and until now, remains the best reference for bureaucrats, academics, NGOs and business people about the subject, discussing the basic understanding of corruption including the development of the theory and its implementation, which I believe, will be of great assistance, especially to novice readers.
Indicators of the level of corruption are also reviewed in depth to assist readers in interpreting the dozens of indicators and indexes of the level of corruption that exist. This also helps to equalize the perception of the reader, making it easier to understand the contents of the book as a whole.
The discussion is continued with a review from an economic perspective, which includes business and environmental aspects. It also highlights historical, political and state administration perspectives, including a review of the historical roots of corruption in Indonesia, democracy and political corruption, corruption in government foundations and bureaucratic reform.
We also review the weak integrity of our judicial system, the legal perspective of efforts to eradicate corruption and the basics of a strategy to eradicate corruption in Indonesia as well as the role of civil society in Indonesia.
When this book was launched in Jakarta in 2009, Vice President Jusuf Kalla delivered a very interesting key note speech. In it he said that this book was very “thick” and hoped that it could be the best reference material for understanding the study of corruption in Indonesia. However, he also hoped that in the next few years the authors could produce another similar book that is “thinner” as a sign that corruption in Indonesia is also getting thinner and that, in time, it can be completely eradicated.
You can buy the book on Gramedia by clicking here …
Title of the Book: Korupsi mengorupsi Indonesia: Sebab, akibat dan prospek pemberantasan
(Corruption corrupts Indonesia: Causes, consequences and prospects for eradicating)
Writer and Editor by Ridwan Zachrie and Wijayanto
Published by: Gramedia Pustaka Utama (2009), 1131 pages