On Thursday, 30th of September 2021, PT Seven Stones Indonesia and Perkumpulan Gerakan OK OCE (One Kecamatan One Center Entrepreneurship) signed an Agreement to cooperate in the synergy of Micro, Small & Medium Business Empowerment.
The area of cooperation will cover, among others:
- Entrepreneurship capacity development cooperation, which includes Training and Mentoring, Development of financial reporting preparation capabilities and Facilitation for Access to Capital for driving partners and/or members of the OK OCE, whose training expertise is coordinated by Seven Stones Indonesia;
- Cooperation in the field of health-based tourism development (Holistic Tourism);
- Facilitation for collaborative cooperation between small and medium business partners who are members of the OK OCE Program with strategic partners from Nordic and European countries;
- Full support for the implementation of entrepreneurship training and mentoring programs through the OK OCE Program in synergy with the programs held by Seven Stones Indonesia and cooperation in the framework of developing the operational area of the OK OCE in Bali, in synergy with the Seven Stones Indonesia branch offices in Bali.
The Agreement was signed by Mr. Per Fredrik Ecker, Chief Executive Officer of PT Seven Stones Indonesia and Mr. Iim Rusyamsi, Chairman of Perkumpulan Gerakan OK OCE.
PT Seven Stones Indonesia is a company engaged in facilitating companies from the Nordic region that conduct business activities in Southeast Asian countries including Indonesia.
Perkumpulan Gerakan OK OCE is an association legal entity based on the populist economic movement and social care which has the main goal of giving birth to new entrepreneurs in order to create jobs by fostering, guiding and assisting entrepreneurs who are members through the 7 (seven) TOP (OK OCE Prima Stages) program, namely by organizing Registration, Training, Assistance, Licensing, Marketing, Financial Reporting and/or Access to Capital activities (hereinafter referred to as “OK OCE Program/Phases”).
For further information regarding Seven Stones Indonesia, you can contact:
Per Fredrik Ecker
Email: per@sevenstonesindonesia.com
For further information regarding Perkumpulan Gerakan OK OCE, you can download details from: https://okoce.net/