It doesn’t matter how big or small your business is, keeping track of your company’s health is crucial because without knowing what’s coming in, what’s going out and what’s in the sales funnel you’re going to struggle.
Accounting Reports can do this for you. Having a well-implemented and easy to access reporting system will help you maintain budgets, keep tabs on your transactions, forecast cashflows and revenues. They also reduce the risk of reporting inconsistencies to investors, shareholders and most importantly tax agencies.
And this is what our latest service offering is all about; helping you make sense of the numbers so they work for you, not against you.
In response to COVID-19, the Indonesian Government has passed several new tax and financial laws, including tax relaxation and loan restructuring. As a result, our Accountancy and Taxation services have been fine-tuned to accommodate these developments, which apply for both new and existing businesses and VAT and Non-Vat companies.
Depending on your needs you’ll find our prices affordable and our services transparent. They cover:
• Taking care of General Ledgers.
• Preparation of Monthly Tax Reports.
• The submission of Withholding and Value-Added Tax returns.
• An annual report of Financial Position and a Statement of Comprehensive Income as required by the Indonesian Tax Office.
• Yearly Tax Report preparation and submission to the Tax Authority.
• Salary Tax (PPh 21) and Payroll calculations.
• Annual Investment Activity Reports (LKPM) to the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM).
If you need professional and trustworthy support that stays on top of and complies with, the latest rules and regulations around Tax as well as the timely submission of reports, get in touch with us at Seven Stones Indonesia today.
We take away the headaches so you can focus on making your business a success.