In a recent post published in Mekar, Thierry Sanders highlighted the top 10 reasons to invest in Indonesia.
Here’s a snapshot of his Reason #1 – Economic Growth and Monetary Stability
Indonesia is one of 5 countries that grew its GDP at or over 5% last year of the 47 countries listed on The Economist magazine’s weekly country indicators chart.
In fact Indonesia has had the most consistent economic growth of any economy since the Second World War according to McKinsey.
Although 5% growth is below the government’s target it’s still growing faster and more consistently than most.
The stable growth of the Indonesian economy is, like the USA, China and India, thanks to the huge domestic market of 267 million people, the 4th largest country in the world by population.
Indonesia’s economy is set to move from 9th largest today to the 4th largest by 2050 according to PwC.
The Indonesian Central Bank is doing a great job at managing the money supply resulting in banks that have some of the highest return on assets anywhere.